Measuring Leads

If you have multiple ways of getting people to sign up for your email list or download your lead magnets, you might want to start by analyzing the one you use most often or are most curious about. You can always look at the others later.

The most important thing to know and track here is the conversion rate which you can calculate by dividing your total opt-ins by the total pageviews to your offer. You can find that by checking your page builder tool or the “Pages and Screens” report in Google Analytics.

Keep reading if you want more details!


What’s important to track for your lead magnet?

  • It’s important to know how many people are seeing your lead magnet offer and how many are actually signing up for it. These numbers together give you your lead magnet conversion rate.


Why is it important to know your offer conversion rate?

  • For planning – Forecasting is a way to make predictions about the future based on data from the past. By looking at your lead magnet conversion rate, you can predict how many new email subscribers you might get in the future. For example, let’s say you have a lead magnet that you promote to 100 people and it has a conversion rate of 20% (meaning 20 people opted-in). Knowing this, you can assume if you promote to 1000 people, you can expect to get an additional 200 email subscribers (20% of 1000 is 200). This is helpful for planning and budgeting because it allows you to make educated guesses about how many people you might be able to reach and how many of those people might be interested in what you have to offer. This is helpful for planning and budgeting because it allows you to make educated guesses about how many people you might be able to reach and how many of those people might be interested in what you have to offer. This also subsequently impacts launches, sales, etc.
  • For improving and focusing on the right action – Knowing your lead magnet conversion rate can also help you identify the right problem to solve. If you are getting a high number of people to visit your page but a low conversion rate (meaning only a small number of people who see the page actually opt-in), this indicates that your problem may be with the landing page or the offer itself. On the other hand, if you have a low number of people visiting the page but a high conversion rate, you likely have the right offer and landing page, but you’re not getting enough people to see it. This indicates that your problem may be with your marketing efforts


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