We want to preface this by saying that this is not about micro-managing; this is about managing your resources (people) effectively as a business owner.
The most important thing to know and track here is the amount of time they spend by category (or client). You can find that by having them track their hours in a tool like Toggl or build your own custom solution (like we do in our program, Measure and Maximize).
Keep reading if you want more details!
What’s important to track for your team time?
Why is it important to know your team time allocation?
Summary: When you can see how your team is spending their time, you can help prioritize efforts to ensure the most important things are being done first, ensure that the investment you’re making in your team is paying off, and know you have the right people doing the right things.
If you’re picking up what we’re putting down and starting to see how data is THE thing to help you make more, spend less, and create a LOT more time and spaciousness in your business, we’d love to invite you inside Measure & Maximize.
Not only will you know how to find all of this data, but you’ll learn how to automate it to a dashboard that gives you all the metrics you need in your business at the literal click of a button.
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