Not sure what to change in your sales process or funnel to generate the biggest revenue increase with the least amount of effort?

There is an easy way to know this with certainty, and we created it for you.


  • Easy to use Google Sheet calculator that will tell you exactly where to focus your time, effort, and energy for the biggest financial return
  • Clarity and certainty on what to focus on to get the best result (with the least amount of input)
  • Tips on how to customize if your sales process/funnel is unique so you can still get the answers you need quickly and easily

Plus you'll snag an in-depth look at a specific call funnel (that most coaches use).

With all of this, you will get to see where you can really hack your funnel to get the best output (i.e. more clients and revenue).

Have we met? 👋

We’re Jen & Lacey and we believe data is THE THING that will change everything in your business.

What works for one business, doesn’t work for another, and anyone telling you otherwise… well, let’s just say they’re not Datable (get it?! 😂).

That’s why, not only are we helping you know what to measure and where to get that data, we’re helping you do it in a personalized way that fits your business model.

Because here’s the thing, the way to get more of what you want in business… more money, more time freedom, more profit… is to know how to get that from YOUR business. And it’s not done by guessing. It’s done by knowing.

Data is the only thing that helps you know for sure.

Having both built seven figure businesses of our own, and been behind the scenes in countless more, what WE know for sure is that leveraging data is what creates the best, fastest, and easiest path to the results you want.

And we're here to make that as easy as swiping right!